[News] Լայամը "InStyle" ամսագրի հետ հարցազրույցում խոսել է Մայլիի մասին

Ահա հարցազրույցի անգլերեն տարբերակը

InStyle: You’re an amateur chef-a girl’s dream. Describe your ideal woman.
Liam: My fiancee. She’s extremely happy and has a sense of humor about life. And she has taught me you can step back and not take everything so seriously. Happy, positive, fun-those qualities are good in anyone.

InStyle: Speaking of Miley, does she ever weigh in on your wardrobe?
Liam: She doesn’t care. My style is very inconsistent. One day, I’ll put together a cool outfit, and the next, I’ll look like a homeless person. Mostly I’m a T-Shirt and jeans-Levies or Nudie. I purchased a couple of Converse hoodies the other day. They make really good, soft cotton sweaters. But I stole this Vince shirt from the[wardrobe racks on the] InStyle shoot.

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